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Celebrate World Cocktail Day

Cognac Old Fashioned

World Cocktail Day, celebrated annually on May 13th, pays tribute to the artistry and skill involved in cocktail crafting. It acknowledges the global significance and diversity of cocktails, tracing back to the first definition of the term “cocktail” in 1806 within The Balance and Columbian Repository, a publication based in Hudson, New York. Cocktails have since become integral to social gatherings, offering a wide array of flavours and concoctions for people to enjoy and unwind. From the classic sophistication of a Martini to the tropical allure of a Piña Colada or the refreshing tang of a Mojito, cocktails provide endless opportunities for creativity and indulgence. World Cocktail Day encourages enthusiasts to explore new recipes, support local bars and mixologists, and raise a toast to the timeless art of cocktail making. So, whether you prefer your drink shaken or stirred, take a moment today to celebrate the enchantment of cocktails and the joy they bring to our lives. Here’s to World Cocktail Day!

And what better way to honour this occasion than by savouring a Cognac Old Fashioned? This refined twist on a classic cocktail combines the intricate, robust flavours of cognac with the timeless sophistication of an Old Fashioned. To concoct this delightful blend, mix 50 ml of Hermitage 10 Year Old Grande Champagne Cognac, 7.5 ml of simple syrup, and a few dashes of Angostura bitters in a mixing glass with ice. Stir thoroughly and strain into a chilled glass over a ice cubes. Garnish with a twist of orange peel to add a zesty touch. Sip slowly and relish the harmonious medley of flavours – it’s a cocktail experience beyond compare.

Happy mixing!